Bailey Yates

Wealth Associate

As a member of Versant’s client and operations teams, I am primarily focused on technical work, including analysis preparation for use by our wealth counselors and helping our clients with their accounts. I enjoy working with our digital platforms and tools that aid in our client’s success and our practice. In my role, I help care for our clients by ensuring that distributions go out, accounts are updated, and client meetings are well-prepped.

Before I was a full-time employee at Versant, I was an intern at the firm — a meaningful and supportive experience that replicated being an advisor. During my internship, I worked with Versant’s wealth counselors and their teams to learn how they leverage the firm’s resources on behalf of our clients.

I have always enjoyed working with numbers, and I love being able to work in a field that allows me to use my math skills and help people at the same time. Meaningful relationships are the most important thing to me personally. Getting to know our clients and their families while helping them with their financial planning is what led me to join the wealth management industry.

A graduate of Arizona State University’s W. P. Carey School of Business, I have a Bachelor of Arts in Finance. I am originally from Monmouth, Oregon. I moved to Arizona in 2016 to be closer to my dad and for the sunshine. I’m glad I moved here because I love swimming, fishing, and being outdoors. My favorite thing to do is spend time with friends and family.