Laura Countiss, FPQP™

Client Services Manager

A cross-country drive that began with leaving New England in blizzard conditions and ended with my arrival in sun-soaked Arizona landed me on the doorstep of Keats, Connelly & Associates, where I first met Tom Connelly. I worked as his executive assistant for five years until he decided to start Versant Capital Management in 2004. I was pleased to join him in his new venture and, as you can see, he hasn’t been able to get rid of me since!

Working as a legal secretary for ten years, and later for the Foundation and Corporate Relations department at Dartmouth College, helped sharpen my skills and work ethic. (Maybe another reason I’m still here?)

I’ve held many roles over the years at Versant as we continue to grow, and I am currently enjoying the title of Administrative Processes Manager. I oversee the Operations Department (Go Team!), manage the quarterly reporting process, help to maintain our portfolio accounting system and CRM, and maintain our QuickBooks financial records.

While I don’t miss schlepping through three feet of snow to get to my office on campus, my Massachusetts roots are never far from the surface (as my love of all things Red Sox, Bruins, and Patriots will attest). I enjoy cooking and traveling (with many thanks to my airline pilot husband – a Tennessee native who’s also managed to instill in me a love of all things Southern!) and spending time with family and friends.

I hope you’ve enjoyed landing on our Versant pages as much as I’ve enjoyed being here.