Why Choose Versant



We are 100% conflict-free.

We are only compensated by you. We do not cross-sell services or have investment products for which we receive additional compensation. This structure allows us to remain steadfast in our original mission: Do what is in the client’s best interest.

We are positioned to remain independent and committed to long term succession planning.


Versant Capital Management is 100% owned by our senior professionals.  We’ve implemented management and ownership succession strategies to preserve our commitment to independence.


We provide you with the freedom to live your life.


We coordinate and advise on all activities related to our clients’ finances, including family office services, wealth management, integrated investment management, comprehensive reporting, tax planning, estate planning, family governance, risk management, and philanthropic support. The result?

You’ll enjoy structure and simplicity in your life.

Not only do we help families plan, we also implement and execute.


A successful wealth management plan is only as good as its implementation and ongoing execution.

Our advisors are committed to ensuring any established plan is carried through and provide ongoing execution of that plan year in and year out.

We don’t chase the “investment du jour.”


In many cases, the investment media targets investors’ emotions through fear or the fear of missing out.

Versant’s approach comes from our objective, long term outlook, macro inefficiencies, and time-tested, empirical research.

    We are aligned with your interest.


    Our advisors invest in the same investments they recommend to our clients. We “eat our own cooking,” as they say.

    Legal and Regulatory


    Versant conducts business with an unblemished legal and regulatory history.