DOWNLOAD Versant Capital Management’s downloadable Market Review helps keep you up to date on what’s going on in the finance world and provide context around your investment portfolio. Here’s a brief look at investment market performance from the third quarter of...
How to get a digital record or printed replacement card By Lisa Greve More and more, people are required to show proof of their Covid-19 vaccine record for their jobs, when traveling, attending public events, or entering some places of business. Unfortunately, there...
Rising Interest Rates a Headwind for Markets Prepared by Brandon Yee, CFA, CAIA, and Thomas Connelly, CFA DEVELOPED MARKETS U.S. Market Drops In the month of September, international developed stock markets returned -2.87%. Japan and Canada recorded returns of 2.75%...
DOWNLOAD PDF This downloadable PDF flowchart can help you analyze your situation We’ve seen many unprecedented events since the pandemic first hit, including mortgage refinances reach record highs, and rates reach record lows. It seemed everyone and their dog was...
DOWNLOAD This downloadable PDF flowchart can help you analyze the financial aspects Buying a home is often the first step people take toward building long-term wealth, so it’s important to understand the financial aspects of homeownership before taking the plunge....
What is cryptocurrency? How is it used as a form of money? Is it a good investment? In this Q&A, Tom Connelly, CFA®, CFP®, chief investment officer at Versant Capital Management, breaks down complex digital currencies with financial advisor Matt Miller, CFP®. They...