What survival techniques teach us about investing

What survival techniques teach us about investing

Achieving financial success requires a well-marked path Survival is the only road to riches. You should try to maximize return only if losses would not threaten your survival and if you have a compelling future need for the extra gains you might earn. -Peter...
Celebrities – Estate Planning Mistakes We All Make

Celebrities – Estate Planning Mistakes We All Make

Celebrities, they’re just like us Aretha Franklin’s common estate planning mistake A few weeks ago, the world experienced the passing of Aretha Franklin, a music icon. Within days of her death, it was reported that she left no will and none of her assets were held in...

More good than bad: Long-term planning and investing

More good than bad Long-term planning and investing James Taylor CFP®, Wealth Counselor I was driving in the car the other day with my six-year-old daughter Josalyn when she said to me, “Daddy, are there more good people in the world than bad?” I said, “Yes, of...
ALERT! Donations to nonprofits that generate AZ tax credits no longer fully deductible after Monday

Taxpayers with high incomes, complex returns

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text responsive_align=”left”] Check withholding soon to avoid a year-end tax surprise From The IRS Newswire, Issue IR-2018-165 WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today urged high-income taxpayers and those with...
How much should I put in my 401(k)?

How much should I put in my 401(k)?

Spoiler alert: probably more than you are Mitchell Barr, Client Associate How did we get here Throughout our financial journeys, we have to ask ourselves, am I saving enough? Historically that wasn’t the case. My grandpa was a good old boy. He grew up in West...