A Versant staff member shares her personal story about the importance of having a rainy day fund. Laura Countiss, Portfolio Associate, Operations We’ve all heard the old adage advising us to save for a rainy day. But are you ready if that day comes? We...
By Bob Veres, Financial writer and Publisher of Inside Information How do you become an empowered health care consumer? A recent blog post on the Forbes magazine website, authored by financial planner/doctor Carolyn McClanahan, suggests that the relationship between...
From Vanguard As parents prepare to send their children off to college, distinct financial challenges may arise. Although many families take advantage of 529 plans and other education-specific savings accounts, most will finance college using a variety of sources and...
From a tax perspective, a dream retirement account probably would encompass three elements Contributions to the account would be tax-deductible. Accumulation of earnings within the account would be tax-deferred. Distributions from the account would be tax-free. ...
Credit cards are unquestionably convenient, and surveys show their use is on the rise. Yet many people don’t fully understand the potential consequences of using credit cards, or they maybe confused about the differences between credit and debit cards. Recent...