Thomas J. Connelly, CFA, CFP®, President & Chief Investment Officer

It has been said that one of the primary jobs of an investment adviser is to lean against the wind—to espouse caution when others are exuberant, and to promote optimism when everyone else is running scared.  In that vein, we offer you some suggested readings from my bedstand that actually have good things to say about America, and indeed, the rest of the world.  For I too am weary of reading about the demise of Europe, the pending implosion of China, and the coming bankruptcy of America.

Abundance Peter H. DiamandisAbundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think, by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler, published in 2012 by the Free Press, 386pp.

Comeback America: Turning the Country Around and Restoring Fiscal Responsibility, by David M. Walker, published in 2009 by Random House, 212pp.

It’s Not As Bad As You Think: Why Capitalism Trumps Fear and the Economy Will Thrive, by Brian S Wesbury, published in 2010 by Wiley, 210pp.

Rational Matt RidleyThe Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves, by Matt Ridley, published in 2010 by HarperCollins Publishers, 438pp.

Reality Check: the Unreported Good News About America, by Dennis Keegan and David West, published in 2008 by Regnery Publishing, Inc., 245pp.

Better, Stronger, Faster: the Myth of American Decline and the Rise of a New Economy, by Daniel Gross, published by the Free Press in 2012


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