When Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad

From a tax perspective, a dream retirement account probably would encompass three elements Contributions to the account would be tax-deductible. Accumulation of earnings within the account would be tax-deferred. Distributions from the account would be tax-free.  ...

What Do You Want Your Legacy To Be?

Imagine what would happen to your family if you died unexpectedly. Even if you have a will and an estate plan in place, your spouse and children may feel rudderless without your guidance. They won’t be able to take advantage of what you might have taught them...

What Do You Know About Credit Cards?

Credit cards are unquestionably convenient, and surveys show their use is on the rise. Yet many people don’t fully understand the potential consequences of using credit cards, or they maybe confused about the differences between credit and debit cards. Recent...

The Fine Art of Planning for Collectibles

Do you have an eye for works of art, rare coins, antiques, or other items? We’ve become a nation of collectors. And this passion is especially pronounced among high net worth families. To make the most of collectibles as financial assets, follow these four...

Test Yourself On Tax Deductions

Have you filed your federal income tax return for 2011? If not, you might still be able to slim down your tax bill by claiming deductions you may have missed. What can you deduct? There are two main groups of income tax deductions on a federal tax return. The first...