Estate Planners can Learn Lessons from David Bowie’s Will

Estate Planners can Learn Lessons from David Bowie’s Will

Estate Planners can Learn Lessons from David Bowie’s Will By Bruce D. Steiner A few weeks ago, the world experienced the passing of Aretha Franklin, a music icon. Within days of her death, it was reported that she left no will and none of her assets were held in...

Basic estate plan documents everyone should have

Basic estate plan documents everyone should have By Erin Itkoe, Senior Wealth Counselor It doesn’t matter if you are single, married, young, old, wealthy, or poor, there are a few basic estate documents all adults should have completed and executed. No ifs, ands, or...

What Do You Want Your Legacy To Be?

Imagine what would happen to your family if you died unexpectedly. Even if you have a will and an estate plan in place, your spouse and children may feel rudderless without your guidance. They won’t be able to take advantage of what you might have taught them...

The Fine Art of Planning for Collectibles

Do you have an eye for works of art, rare coins, antiques, or other items? We’ve become a nation of collectors. And this passion is especially pronounced among high net worth families. To make the most of collectibles as financial assets, follow these four...

5 Steps To Protect The Digital Assets You Own

We’re living in a digital world. Nowadays, those important papers that you used to stash in a file cabinet or a safe deposit box often are created and stored electronically. That can remove some of the clutter of having lots of paper around, and it also may be good...